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  • #598



    forwarding my website to https secure link

    when I change my url to https I am unable to load my CSS & js assets (Mixed content error). So, i just wanna know how to solve this problem

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  • #599

    Hi @srinath

    It should be make auto https when load asset file like css, js and others images, seems something wrong with your server, but don’t worry, i am giving you solution

    Go to /root/resources/views/layout/header.blade.php

    find all line start with asset('
    looks like a line below


    you need to pass a Boolean true in second parameter, like asset('assets/css/bootstrap.min.css', true)

    also find /root/resources/views/layout/footer.blade.php

    do it same to make https loading js files, add a parameter all of your asset url, like below

    asset('assets/js/vendor/jquery-1.11.2.min.js', true)

    Looks, you are adding only true with a comma just before closing first brackets,

    Your css and js will now serve over https

    Best rgards



    Thanks it’s working but the other problem is that my images are loading with HTTP protocol i guess that is why am unable to load my page when i type this in url box (https://sainikbazaar.com/). It’s loading only when i give permission to load scripts from unauthenticated sources in url bar. So, please help me with it.

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