Home Forums GetFund – A Professional Laravel Crowdfunding Platform Customize homepage and campaign form

  • #667



    Customize homepage and campaign form

    Hi, i need help with some things that i have tried to modify but not been able to. First i would like to limit the display of items of New campaigns to 4 or 8. It would be a suggestion to implement this function in dashboard as soon as possible.

    Second i would like to create a menu in the footer in with the names of the categories as well as the “About us”. Using the same function below generates error in the other pages other than the homepage.

    @foreach($categories as $cat) 
    <li><a href="{{route('single_category', [$cat->id, $cat->category_slug])}}">{{ $cat->category_name }}</a></li>

    Third it would be possible to organize by name the select box in the form of start new campaign? The list of countries for example is not organized. Thanks!

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  • #672


    Good night, i was checking some files inside (resources>views>admin) and i noticed as in the database the existence of “category_slug” and also “page_slug”, but there is no imput field to edit the names. The suggestion is to include this option in the dashboard.


    The slug will be generate based on title, no need it’s input

    Best regards



    Hi Katherine,

    Yes it is generated automatically, but if i change the name of the page the slug does not update, in wordpress for example we can change manually.

    About my other question how can i list the categories recursively in the footer? And i would also like to alphabetize the country names in the form’s selectbox when creating new campaign.




    You need to be delete and add again this categories, so it will be change slug

    Best regards



    I found the file inside App\Http\Controllers\HomeController.php where i can change the number of campaigns and categories visible on the home, could have told me earlier when i asked.

    Lines 35-38 and 53 i changed the limit from 20 to 8.

    I’m posting to the forum to help other people because these options should be customizable by the dashboard and not via code!

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