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  2. Sales Agent Management System
  3. Account


You will get the detailed report about your account here.

  • Make Payment

Note: Only admin can access in this section

You can pay your Agent or User from this section, just need their referral ID. Place referral ID on Payee Referral Code field. you can see this ID is valid or not, if this ID valid, you will see payee user or agent basic information.
Place amount and submit Make Payment.
Note: Keyboard event require for getting info preview

  • Earning

See you’r earning details in this section.
Earnings, Referral Earnings, Total Earnings, Withdraw, Credit
Also a list of all invoice with basic information.

  • Withdrawal payment

See your Withdrawal payment details in this section.
Earnings, Referral Earnings, Total Earnings, Withdraw, Credit
Also a list of all transaction.

  • Agents sales

Note: Only admin can access in this section

See all of Agents Sales details in this section.
You can search within date range. Default show todays sales.

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