Home Forums LaraBid – A Laravel PHP Auction Platform Confirmation email of user creation

  • #3019



    Confirmation email of user creation

    I have already enabled this option to allow send out confirmation email to newly join user but it is not work. I would suppose the users should click on the link to activate the account before they can login.

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  • #3023

    Please change your mail driver value smtp to mail in .env file located at root.


    or you can set SMTP mail credential to send E-mail

    Best Regards



    I have already set the mail function setting in php.ini and sendmail.ini and it is working for reset password, however the account activation email was not sent and the account was made Active. I have also turned on the sendmail debug log and i could not find it was sending out confirmation email.



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    My site: http://www.fishbid.net

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