
  • #3426




    Please take a look at “Start a campaign” site. The form flows into the sidebar and covers it partially.
    This you can see also at your demo on CodeCanyon.

    In which file I can change the text for this:

    <h1 class=”section-title”>@lang(‘app.banner_main_header’)</h1>
    <p class=”jumbotron-sub-text”>@lang(‘app.banner_sub_header’)

    Didn’t found the file. Thought header.blade.php, but I think not.

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  • #3473


    I’ve tested now again and again. There is a bug for sure. If a backer is paying it’s not showing up in the status
    at sidebar and also the numbers of backers are not getting updated. These happens days later. But I can see the backer with the given amount. Please fix this asap!



    If I do a donation its not showing up in sidebar. Also number of backers not showing up. Fix thsi asap!!!
    Transactions ID are always the same #17!! It’s not showing up in backend in payment details. Fix this!!!
    I’m days to late for publishing because fixing all bugs of the script.

    And: remove public from domain instructions are not working!!!! If I do so like you suggest there’s no more


    Total backers showing from the database campaigns table (total_payments) column, please reset to 0 from that campaign, when a success payment is done by the backer, the column increase, it will help to application performing backer.

    Please describe the issue> Transactions ID are always the same #17!! I

    Best Regards



    Please describe the issue> Transactions ID are always the same #17!!

    Take a look there.

    This number is always is #17!

    And this number is not seen in backend! This number is important to indentify the payer.





    To remove the public url, we will help you.

    Please provide your server information, and we are checking the transaction number same issue

    Best Regards


    The transaction number is unique and based on the campaign, every campaign will get a new number.

    It’s actually campaign ID, you will know for which campaign the donation has came through your bank account.



    Why did you not deliver normal support and everything is fine. People will be satisfied with you, everything is working and you will get five star ratings. Did you know that I was working 2 hours to find a solution to remove /public from URL? It drove me nearly crazy. One more question: how to change in URL the part /campaign. It has to be in another language. That with the campaign I did understand now. I thought every payment get a unique number.



    Please provide your cPanel login info, to check your checkout issue.

    best Regards



    I’ve now also solved this issue with 500 Sserver error.
    I wanted to publish and guess what: your software did no longer save campaign images? What the hell is this?
    Take a look at the site. This is urgent.



    Okay. This issue with the images I solved also myself. All this was related to the /public issue. The instructions at your documentation are not right! So, please solve now the last things:

    1. Email notification to admin when project is created
    2. Where to change URL slug?
    3. Projects on start page are not shwon up in grid horizontal. The projects are shown vertical.


    I don’t know how we can make you happy. You solved the images issue.

    You are asking customization, we are unable to provide customized features.

    Best Regards

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