Home Forums Themeqx Advanced PhP Laravel Classified ads cms Internal Server Error 500

  • #3162



    Internal Server Error 500

    hello, all links not working, where is admin area login? when you chose contry and try to secet a state, nothing showing.

    try to see: https://onads.net

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  • #3223

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    1. https://onads.net/dashboard/payments here i have 500 error

    It’s fixed

    2. The facebook login is not working.

    You need to create facebook app and connect it with your website from settings > social settings

    3. The email is not working, i mean if i recieve a message, or if a person put a new ads, or create a new account i don’t recieve any notification.

    Above events, E-Mail notification feature does not exist in this application.

    4. meta description tag, but ib dasboard it have.

    I could not understand.

    Please note that any additional feature you required but not exists in the applications means, you need to customize to get your desired features.

    Best Regards



    I create a Facebook app for login with facebook. But is not working, keep say something about blocking, you can try on just activate Facebook login from dashboard and try to login with Facebook.

    2, the meta descriptionfrom theme is set in dashboard but is not showing on google or if you scan with any seo tools.

    And how i can delate the ads?


    You need to make your URL whitelist at the facebook app.

    You can read more on https://www.facebook.com/help/community/question/?id=1278521772201326


    The required meta already exists. If you need anymore, you need to customize it to make personalize.

    Best Regards



    Look, this is not a complet script, the delete ads and email function are defaut by any script, on your demo i cant test this , so what i need from you is to fix my script, i buy this one like a full script, im not a web designer to complete this. For this reason i buy your script.

    so fix this above problem and
    the meta description is not working, if you scan with any seo tools you will have the same results.
    Try this one or other tool if you know, you will have the same error: Add a meta description.


    recovery pasword is not working, will end with the same error: 500 server

    fix this, or i whant my money back, is very simple for me.

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