Home Forums LaraBid – A Laravel PHP Auction Platform Larabid email verification and Auction checkout Issue

  • #3037



    Larabid email verification and Auction checkout Issue

    Hello, I previously messaged you and didnt get a response.

    I now have another issue that Im hoping you can resolve. The email verification on register is not working. No email is being sent. Secondly and most importantly, when a person wins an auction, it doesnt show up anywhere for them to pay for it. Can you please tell me why this is or how I can fix this as its a very important part for an auction.

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  • #3040


    Please provide us your URL and cPanel login info in the private reply, We will check register verification E-Mail issue, if it exists in our app, then it will work must.

    The second one is Pay, you need to pay manually when a user will any auction, there is no system for automated payment release. But you can always extend this application to get exactly what you want.

    Best Regards


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