Home Forums Teachify LMS Some errors when updating

  • #3823



    Some errors when updating

    POINT 1
    copy all the files that I have moved.
    But when they were returned they were REPLACED correctly.

    Except for the .env file, which caused the site to break

    Thank goodness I made a backup

    POINT 2

    How do I solve that problem?
    Did the .env file not replace it?

    POINT 3
    Whenever I want to update, will I have to do all those steps?
    What will happen to my students?

    Will I have to inform my students that the platform will be OFFLINE for 30 minutes or 1 hour?

    POINT 4
    They must show the number of students enrolled in each course

    POINT 5
    Good that corrected “FORGET MY PASSWORD”, but how would you do with the MAIL_MAILER so that the reset email arrives? Will they work with SMTP?

    PS: You do a good job, regardless of criticism, which is normal, congratulations and I hope to be helped, do not take so long to respond, I would appreciate it a lot.


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  • #3840

    POINT 1

    Please don’t replace .env file, it’s containing your all database configuration. Your old .env will be always there.

    POINT 2

    Your old .env file required to run the website, because your DB configuration saved on that file.

    POINT 3

    Yes, but if we do specific update guide, you can update by the following guideline, like sometimes we release update by changing few files, we will write those files name, so you can get the update.

    Every application/cms require downtime during updates.

    POINT 4
    They must show the number of students enrolled in each course

    We will think about it

    POINT 5
    You need to set SMTP to send E-Mail, or if your server able to send mail using sendmail | mail() function, then set MAIL_DRIVER=mail from your .env file.

    Thank you



    1. I love point 3, it would be better if each time you enter code, those files tell us to do it manually. Incidentally, after 6 months, it would be a plus to acquire with you a biannual membership from ENVATO or from this page that they use for support.

    2. I want to buy the CERTIFICATE PLUGIN.

    3. I still haven’t solved the FORGET MY PASSWORD, it’s the only thing I’m missing. It is that as I mentioned I could not update correctly. So I stick with version 1.4 Teachify.

    If you have the files I modify, I wish I could do it myself. If it wasn’t too much trouble



    2. Here is the certificate Plugin URL https://www.themeqx.com/product/certificate-teachify-lms/

    3. What issue do you have right now for the Forget Password? did you set SMTP credential to the .env file?

    Right now specific file update is not available, we will publish guidelines in the future for the small update. But large updates always have to upgrade as per instruction.

    Best Regards

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