JobFair – Premium Laravel PHP Job Board Script allow you to run your own job portal website in 5 minutes. JobFair is one place for employers, agents and job seeker to find the job or applicant in a smart way. JobFair probably the best job portal application to maintain jobs for employer and search jobs for the job seeker.
JobFair – PHP Job script has powerful job search features to find the right job for the job seeker. With advanced search filters, they can find the job which meets with their skills. JobSeeker can apply by clicking just a button called Apply Online feature. As a result, it’s time-consuming for the job seeker. They have dedicated admin panel to find applied job lists.
JobFair – Job board Script provides you business opportunities to earn more money because it has the ability to sell premium job package with a dedicated maintainable premium job credit system that will show you remaining premium job balance.
JobFair – PHP Jobboard script has feature similarly LinkedIn or StackOverflow. We tried to provide you a great experience to find or post jobs.
JobFair JobBoard application made online apply feature in the easiest way. so a job seeker can apply to a job within just two clicks.